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The crane of two-sided elevation

It consisted of a movable (on wooden rollers) platform and a vertical articulated frame in the shape of “Π”, which had a block and tackle (“polispasto”) on its top and a radiated winch for the elevation of the load at its base. On both sides of the platform were adjusted winches to control the frame inclination. It was particularly suitable for loading or unloading ships but also for the construction of piers as it is described by the excavation research by the team of Jean-Yves Empereur at the port of Amathus in Cyprus.
The stone was fastened (from the “U” shaped handles at both sides) at the rear of the platform, then it was lifted by means of the central winch and then moved to the front side of the platform using a combination of pulling and loosening the front and rear winch, respectively. Then the stone was lowered using the central winch and
since it could be rotated it was positioned inside the sea. The platform moved constantly lengthwise on the piers that were being built. (With two identical mechanisms, two parallel sides of each piers were built and the space
between was filled with rubble).